The Future of Photography

     In 25 years, everyone will have some sort of camera, whether it be a camera from 10 years before or the latest and greatest. Photography will become even more accessible than it is now as technology advances and renders our own technology obsolete.
     I think hand held cameras will be either the same size or smaller than they are now, but much more powerful. The more high end and intense technology will probably be less user friendly, but the average camera will be much more easy to use.
     People will continue to take pictures of the things they do in their everyday life, their families and friends, and themselves. I think that technology might evolve enough so that people can take nights pictures with an average grade camera.
     Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, and all the social media sights we use now will most likely be irrelevant 25 years from now, but there will definitely be sites and applications similar to them.  Social media has been a key function in my generation and the generation before me has communicated with each other, and I think it will continue to be this way for a long time, especially in regards to photography.


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