Napoleon Dynamite

1. I thought he was the stereotypical nerd bathed in overused self pity.
2. It was a tragic comedy; Tragic in the sense that it was a waste of my time. I'm generally open to films that are "out-there", but this served no purpose to my overall existence. I wish I could erase it from my my mind.
3. Hopefully, he was self-aware of the fact that he was at the bottom of the hypothetical high school social food chain. Tldr: No, he didn't.
4. No, no, and no. His best skill was over exaggerating the skills he might have had to combat the deep pit of self-loathing that is surely present within himself.
5. Former Napoleons.
6. Top: Rich, privileged white kids. Napoleon would only be known due to his blatant inability to compose himself in anyway. This school is too big to have a popular crowd, but I definitely wouldn't want to be one of them.
7. I'd vote for Pedro because Summer is a bottle blonde with empty promises and no independent self-worth. And she's a total female dog.
8. Napoleon: He was unable to accept reality as it was and is forever living in an impossible fantasy.
Kip: His name.
Uncle Rico: He's literally one of the most disgusting people on the green earth and needs to learn not to touch children.
9. Napoleon is a self-confidence wanna-be. He thought that pretending not to care was the way to be "cool", but ultimately that plan failed him.
10. I learned how to be seen and not heard, but selectively forgot that lesson because it's imbecile.
11. No. He was always trying to be something he wasn't.
12. Because they're comfortable. Yes.
13. He's just a dork who can dance. Everything will forget him in less than a year.
14. Napoleon: Probably dead or working a dead-end job.
Pedro: Deported
Deb: Probably on drugs because she's trying to forget the fact that she peaked in high school and has nothing to live for.
Kip: Who knows? Not me. He's probably dealing drugs in a back alley.
Uncle Rico: Serving a life sentence for molesting multiple children.
15. A shape-shifting dragon.
16. Arsenic.


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